
Monday, July 6, 2015


The Worst List

This post was drafted last May 25. 

Lately, I've been lacking some serious inspiration to do ANYTHING. It seems like the only constant thing I've been able to do is eat. That's it. Before summer started, I promised myself to do so many things like:

1. Practice using Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere and After Effects. If you didn't know I'll be taking up Communication Arts and I figured an advance study of these movie editing softwares will be really helpful. 

2. Practice and do more of water coloring and charcoal sketching.

3. Enroll myself in an art class.

4. Revamp my blog. Make it a stable one.

5. Read at least 10 books a month.

6. Watch as many movies as possible.

7. Journalize every day.

8. Buy new strings for my guitar.

9. Learn how to play many songs on guitar.

10. Play the piano again.

11. Buy a mannequin and a manual sewing machine I've been wanting every since I was 7 then learn how to sew so I can finally make my own clothes.

12. Buy plain shirts and have them printed with lyrics. 

13. There's so much I wanted to do that I can't even remember everything.

But here's what is actually happening:

1. I still don't even have these editing softwares and I've been putting off my Thailand Vlog for weeks           now.

2. I've also been putting off a water color painting I started weeks ago and I still haven't found my           charcoal pencil.

3. I am too lazy to even go out.

4. I guess I'm doing fine with this blogging thing....

5. The only book I finished ever since the start of summer was Isla and the Happily Ever After by           Stephanie Perkins. I don't even know what I'm doing. I have so many books on my book shelf             waiting to be read. I'm not even going to complain about how "I don't have the time" because I           have plenty. It's just I'm too fucking lazy. I'm now rereading and finishing Insurgent so I guess             that's a progress. 

6. At the start of summer, I was watching as many movies as possible. I'd start to watch a movie at midnight then sleep at 5 in the morning. I even tried to download movies (I used to watch online) even if our internet freakin' sucks. And then.....I just stopped. I don't know why but I just did. 

7. I can't even keep up with the Kardashians. Enough said.

8. I'm pretty sure a cockroach made a habitat out of my guitar. 

9. But I promised myself to buy new strings on my birthday so I guess I'll be playing the guitar soon. 

10. Again, I'm too lazy. I don't have the drive to do anything anymore.

11. My father promised me to buy a mannequin and a sewing machine years ago. That promise has yet to be fulfilled. I really want to start making my own clothes.

12. Well, I asked the t-shirt printing lady at SM Taytay for the price....

13. It hurts my eyes to even look at this shitty list. 

What is inspiration and how do I regain it?

At present. July 7, 2015. 2:33 am.

Sadly, I still haven't accomplished anything.....except that I started journalizing, reading and watching movies again. Also, I'm almost done with my Thailand Vlog (and Baler Vlog).

It still hurts my eyes to look at this shitty list. What a progress, Nicole.

Again, the question: What is inspiration and how do I regain it?


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Image and video hosting by TinyPic I'm Nicole, an 18 year-old catcher of dreams and seeker of adventures.