
Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday's 10 Happy Things vol.3

Again, this came in a day late...yikes....but that's better than never! Here are 10 things that made me happy this week:
1. Painting again. It's been quite a while since I painted again. I don't know what came to me that morning but when I woke up I just felt inspired to create something. It's Rapunzel with green hair and sleeves!

2. Reading "Norwegian Wood" by Haruki Murakami. The moment that I started reading this book (which was two days ago), I was immediately drawn to it. I've always been a fan of Haruki Murakami so I'm really glad I decided to read this book. There's something about this that just pulls you further as you turn the pages. You have to read it to see what I'm talking about.

"A poignant story of one college student's romantic coming-of-age, Norwegian Wood takes us to that distant place of a young man's first, hopeless, and heroic love." (read more)

I'm only into the first 134 pages but I've found so many good quotes already. Here are some of them:

  • •  "We forged straight ahead, as if our walking were a religious ritual meant to heal our wounded spirits."

  • •   "That's the kind of death that frightens me. The shadow of death slowly, slowly eats away at the region of life, and before you know it everything's dark and you can't see, and the people around you think of you as more dead than alive."

  • •   "Please forgive me if anything I've written here upsets you. As I said before, I am a far more flawed human being than you realize."
3. Reading World War 2 love letters. My heart.
  • •   "The darned old moon keeps shining for us, darling — and even as it now increases that inescapable loneliness, it also increases my confidence in the future." (full text)

  • •   "In your letter of Jan 21st you mentioned me learning you how to maybe cook dehydrated foods if possible. Well, Honey, don’t worry. I love you so much that I’m willing to teach you anything I know." (full text)

  • •   "How about seeing you in New York this coming week-end? I could really go for a good steak. But I would rather see you." (full text)

  • •   FEELS

4. Getting excited for my major subjects related to film. I'll probably regret writing this when I actually take the subjects and experience "hell week" but for now I'm letting myself get excited. Hahaha

5. Rain.

6. Writing poems.

7. Friday sunset. 

8. Casa de Monet in Giverny, France. Claude Monet is my favourite Impressionist painter so his home in France is definitely included in my bucket list!

"Claude Monet was a key figure in the Impressionist movement that transformed French painting in the second half of the nineteenth century." (Read more and see his artworks here) 

9. Listening to Beach Fossils all night. My current favorite is Sleep Apnea.

10. Finding lovely quotes. This is for another post! :) #SoulSundays

How about you? How is your week so far? Let's talk. 

This is a blog link-up of Ditz Revolution's Friday's 10 Happy Things


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Image and video hosting by TinyPic I'm Nicole, an 18 year-old catcher of dreams and seeker of adventures.